4.8 Retaining Walls
- The maximum height of any retaining wall is generally 1.0m. If a higher wall is required, more than one wall must be used in conjunction with graded slopes, battering and other landscape treatment to soften the appearance of the change in levels. Council approval may be required for retaining walls. Owners should make their own enquiry.
- Thought should also be given to providing a landscaping strip of approximately 200mm in front of the retaining wall to soften the height.
- Retaining walls visible from the Public Realm must be constructed from a material and finish to complement the house, to the satisfaction of the DAP.
- Acceptable finishes may include:
- Stone
- Face or rendered masonry
- Concrete sleepers with an appropriate applied finish and galvanised support columns
- Timber sleepers are not permitted.
- The extent, height and finish of all proposed retaining walls must be included in any application for Design Approval.
- Refer to Council for additional retaining wall requirements.