4.7 Garages and Driveways
- Garages must be integrated into the overall form of the dwelling.
- Garages must be enclosed. Carports and open sided garages are not allowed.
- Lots with a frontage of 12.5m or more must provide a double garage.
- The width of the garage door opening should not exceed 40% of the width of the primary lot frontage.
- Garage doors that are visible from the Public Realm must be either a panel lift, sectional overhead, or other similar type. Roller doors are not permitted if they are visible from the Public Realm.
- Each lot must have a maximum of one cross-over per frontage.
- Driveways must be constructed from a hard surface material such as exposed aggregate concrete; coloured through concrete, slate, natural stone, asphalt, or brick.
- Driveway colours should be muted. Plain (uncoloured) and painted concrete driveways are not permitted.
- Where the garage is located on the allotment boundary, a 500mm minimum landscaped garden bed is required between the driveway and side boundary.
- The driveway must not exceed the width of the garage door where they meet the garage, and must taper to the width of the crossover at the boundary.